

I help you sort out what other therapy hasn’t so you can get the freedom you’re seeking quickly & permanently.

Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy gets right to the core quickly so you can move on and live the life you’re meant to live.

One of the most important things you’ll ever read. Do not skip it:

Anxiety, depression, unworthiness, feeling not good enough, or any form of breakdown in our emotional state is not merely a random malfunction; it is a very real, albeit very inarticulate, bid for health and self-knowledge.

It is an attempt by one part of our mind and consciousness to force the other parts into a process of growth, self-understanding and self-development that it has refused to undertake up to now.

If we can put it paradoxically, it is an attempt to jump-start a process of getting well — properly well — through a stage of falling very ‘ill’.

In the midst of these periods of deep suffering, we often wonder whether we have gone mad. We have not.

We’re behaving oddly, no doubt, but beneath the agitation we are on a hidden yet logical search for health.

We haven’t BECOME ill; we were ill ALREADY. And in this context the illness is simply the disconnection from our inner most authentic self, that our schools, care takers, media, advertising, society and the world have created within us.

Our crisis, if we can get through it, is an attempt to dislodge us from a toxic status quo and constitutes an insistent call to rebuild our lives on a more authentic, sincere more self compassionate basis.

It belongs, in the most acute and panicked way, to the search for self-knowledge…

Find Freedom Fast With Rapid Hypnotherapy

Are you ready to finally experience the healing, change & transformation you’ve been looking for (and fast!) to overcome:

  • Believing you’re not good enough.

  • Perfectionism.

  • Anxiety, stress and overwhelm.

  • Self-criticism & judgement.

  • Rejection & inadequacy.

  • Jealousy or comparison to others.

  • Self-criticism.

  • Lack of self-trust.

  • Lack of self-love & compassion.

  • Confidence & self-esteem issues.

  • Fears and phobias.

  • Self-sabotage.

Image of hypnotherapist Gary Albert smiling looking to the right towards his two cockerpoo dogs named Abe and Merlin.

Hi there, I’m Gary. Meet Abe & Merlin, my two assistants…


Welcome To Rapid Hypnotherapy

Hi there, I’m Gary Albert, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist, Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Subconscious Transformation Coach, and proud double-dog dad (that’s Abe and Merlin in the photo!)

But it doesn’t matter what “I am” or what approach I take. All that matters is this; over the last decade, I’ve worked with thousands of clients to heal and transform their lives for the better, I’ve helped them to find freedom fast and I can help you do the same with the power of Rapid Transformation Hypnotherapy…

Therapy shouldn’t take years of talking endlessly about your problems

I’ve heard it time and time again:

“Gary, I’ve been in therapy for years, and I know why I have the problems I have,
but I still have them! Nothing has changed!”

These words come from almost every single client I meet. They have tried it all; psychotherapy, counselling, meditation, medication, breath work, positive thinking and affirmations, energy healing, past life healing and more…

… and they’re still not seeing the results they want.

That’s where I step in…

Rapid Transformational Therapy means what it says… it’s rapid!

When you know how to get to the deepest root cause quickly (and it’s usually not what you think it is!) and when you know how to untangle and dissolve the habits, behaviours, thoughts and feelings that are keeping you stuck, magic can happen!

Just like these lovely clients who I’ve worked with over the last decade…

The 3 stages
of Rapid Hypnotherapy:

  1. Experience Insight

  2. Have a Breakthrough

  3. Allow Integration

When you work with me, you will only talk about your past for about 10% of the time; you’ve talked about it enough, haven’t you?!

The other 90% of the time you will actually create powerful change in your Subconscious Creative Mind - which is where profound, permanent transformation and healing happens!

Because that’s what you really want, isn’t it? CHANGE.

You will actually change the way your mind, brain and body are keeping you stuck in stressful, negative patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour.

Trust me, talking about your problems and constantly being asked “… and how does that make you feel?” doesn’t create deep, powerful, profound, permanent change.

To create the transformation you’re looking for there are three stages…

  1. Insight

  2. Breakthrough

  3. Integration

Insight changes the way you think…

Breakthrough changes the way you feel…

Integration changes the way you behave…

Think + Feel + Behave = changes your life…

… and then your environment changes, your relationships change and the way you feel about yourself and the world around you changes. And then everything and anything becomes possible in your life…

So, what will you be able to do that you can’t do now when you heal the parts that block, sabotage and hold you back with the power of Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy

Black and white image of Gary Albert with hand to heart, eyes closed, smiling.

 how we’ll work together

Hypnotherapist Gary Albert sat opposite one of his female clients in this therapy office. They are smiling warmly at each other.

Rapid Hypnotherapy is designed to help you create real change fast

Imagine having an experienced guide by your side, someone who’s been on their own path of healing and transformation for 15 years.

I’ve overcome anxiety and panic attacks using the power of Rapid Hypnotherapy. I’ve gone from someone who had no self-belief, imposter syndrome and no confidence, was a crippling perfectionist and highly self-critical to a self-loving, compassionate, confident person living the life I know I deserve. All using the power of Rapid Hypnotherapy.

On this powerful journey of healing and transformation, you’ll discover the deepest root causes of what’s holding you back in your life…

And you’ll find freedom fast.

Are You Ready?

Book a free Discovery Call so we can explore more deeply if Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy is for you…