Treatment for Anxiety: Overcome Overthinking with Hypnotherapy

Are you struggling with anxiety, overwhelm and stress regularly like weekly or daily?

Do you find yourself overthinking, feeling out of control or constantly trying to people please and feeling burnt out because of it?

Do you feel that your anxiety is taking over your life, controlling you and overwhelming you?

In this article, we'll explore the top three causes of anxiety and how Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy can help treat them.

By getting to the root cause of your habits of thinking and behaviour, you can experience a calmer life with better relationships and more fulfilment. It's time to find freedom from anxiety and live the life you're meant to live!

The Top 3 Causes of Anxiety

Overthinking, feeling out of control, and people-pleasing with a lack of boundaries are three key causes of anxiety.

Overthinking and cycles of rumination can lead to negative thought patterns which can spiral into excessive worry and fear.

Feeling out of control over life situations can cause stress and overwhelm which triggers anxiety.

People pleasing with a lack of boundaries leads to constant pressure to please others while neglecting one's own needs.

Everything is goverened by your subconscious mind and Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy (RTT) can effectively treat the root causes of anxiety by uncovering them in your subconscious mind and creating new more empowering beliefs, habits and behaviours.

Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy (RTT) offers an effective treatment for these underlying issues by uncovering their root cause in the subconscious mind and creating new positive beliefs and behaviours.

With RTT, you can find freedom from anxiety as you become calmer, more at ease socially, better able to handle stressful situations, improve relationships with friends/family/coworkers and ultimately live a fulfilling life without being held back by anxious thoughts or behaviours.

What will you be able to do that you struggle with now when you overcome anxiety once and for all?

Overthinking AND ANXIETY

Negative thought patterns, excessive worrying, and rumination are common symptoms of overthinking. This can lead to a downward spiral of anxiety and stress that becomes difficult to break free from. While meditation, positive thinking, affirmations and visualisation are all positive things to do for your life, they treat your anxiety at its root cause. And so this is why so many of my clients come to me only being able to manage their symptoms of anxiety.

Instead, using Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy supports you recognize your negative thinking patterns and what is actually causing them. By breaking the cycle of overthinking, using RTT to crack it and its source, you'll be able to manage your worries in a healthier way and find peace of mind without relying on other techniques and strategies. If you don't have anxiety, then there are no symptoms to manage right?!

Remember, you have the power within yourself to overcome anxious thoughts and feelings. Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy can help you achieve freedom from anxiety for good...

Feeling Out Of Control

If you're feeling out of control, it may be due to a lack of coping skills. When faced with overwhelming situations, it's important to have healthy ways to process and manage your emotions. Instead of turning to the usual numbing tactics like social media, food, tv, alcohol, drugs or any other addictive tendency, try sitting and being with your emotions rather than trying to suppress them.

Part of my work as a therapist is teaching you how to actually feel and explore your challenging emotions rather than avoiding them. These skills will help you to become free from overwhelm and anxiety. Practising relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation are helpful and you should certainly use them, but they are much more powerful once you've cleared the root cause of the anxiety that is controlling you. Seek support from friends. Naming your struggles and being open and honest can really help take the edge off what you're going through and give a sense of relif. And find a therapist who can help you to overcome the root cause of your anxiety.

Fear of the unknown can also leave us feeling powerless and out of control. Perfectionism often stems from this fear - we feel that if we can't predict every outcome perfectly then we will fail. Remember that failure is an opportunity for growth and learning, not something to be feared. Instead of striving for perfectionism, aim for progress instead by taking small steps towards your goals each day.

By addressing these underlying causes through hypnotherapy or other self-help techniques like journaling or mindfulness practices, you can regain a sense of control in your life and overcome anxiety. You'll find yourself more present in the moment with greater ease handling stressful situations without being consumed by them all leading towards happier relationships both personally & professionally while enjoying more meaningful experiences overall.

People Pleasing and Lack of Boundaries

Codependency, 'Yes' addiction and difficulty saying 'No' are all signs of people-pleasing and lack of boundaries. Those who struggle with these tendencies often find themselves overwhelmed and stressed due to taking on too much responsibility for others, leading to feelings of anxiety and stress.

Codependent individuals may rely on addictive things like alcohol, drugs, antidepressants, social media, tv, porn, sex and food as a way to cope with the pressure they put on themselves. These addictions are ways of releasing stress and coping.

Stopping people-pleasing behaviours involves learning how to set healthy boundaries in relationships while also addressing the underlying causes of why you lack those boundaries in the first place. Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy can help identify and release any subconscious beliefs that contribute to codependent tendencies, enabling individuals to establish healthier patterns in their relationships without feeling guilty or anxious about it.

Once you break free from these habits, life can be calmer, less stressful and more fulfilling overall. You will have better control over your emotions during challenging situations; you'll be able to take action when needed instead of letting anxiety hold you back; enjoy deeper connections with friends, family members and people at work because there won't be an imbalance in giving or receiving support between parties involved anymore.

Treating Anxiety with Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy

Many people in your situation will have tried conventional methods already such as psychotherapy, counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and even traditional hypnotherapy.

However, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy is different. It is a powerful and effective treatment for anxiety that works faster, more deeply and more powerfully than traditional therapies.

This is because things like psychotherapy, counselling and other talk therapies often lead to more rumination, more thinking and more analysis. Clients can often go into what's known as analysis paralysis. This is where you understand why you are the way you are, but you can't change it. You know what happened to you, you can piece the puzzle together as to why you have anxiety, but you still have it.

This is why many clients will come to me saying "Gary I've been in psychotherapy for years, and I understand myself and why I am the way I am, but I can't seem to stop this anxiety or shift it!”

Well, now you know why.

By getting to the root cause of your overthinking, feeling out of control, people-pleasing and lack of boundaries, this therapy can help you break free from these habits and find lasting relief from anxiety. It works by reprogramming your subconscious mind with positive affirmations that empower you to take back control of your thoughts, behaviours and life in general.

With Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy, you can overcome anxiety and experience a life free from fear and stress. You'll be able to handle social situations with ease, take action in stressful situations without feeling overwhelmed or anxious, set healthy boundaries in all aspects of your life, improve relationships with loved ones and colleagues at work and pursue activities that bring joy and fulfilment into your life. Don't let anxiety hold you back any longer; seek out the power of Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy now.

Getting to the Root Cause of Overthinking

Identifying negative self-talk patterns, tracing back childhood experiences, and exploring limiting beliefs are all crucial steps in getting to the root cause of overthinking. By understanding where these patterns originate from, we can begin to challenge them and create new ways of thinking. 

Here are some practical tips for identifying the root cause of overthinking:

  • Keep a journal to document your thoughts and feelings when you're experiencing anxiety.

  • Notice any recurring negative thought patterns or beliefs.

  • Pay attention to situations that trigger your anxiety or overthinking.

  • Explore your childhood and see where these patterns may have started.

Tracing back childhood experiences that have led to overthinking can be difficult but it is important work as our early life environment shapes how we think about ourselves and the world around us.

Exploring limiting beliefs that fuel our anxious thoughts is also key in breaking free from these patterns. Some common limiting beliefs include: 

  • "I'm not good enough"

  • "I'm always going to fail"

  • "No one cares about me"

  • "Fear of rejection"

  • "I don't matter"

  • "I'm not worthy"

Once identified, it's possible to replace these unhelpful beliefs with more helpful self-loving thoughts through techniques such as Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy.

By taking control of our thoughts and challenging negative self-talk we can find freedom from anxiety. When freed from this constant state of worry, we are able to experience more joy in everyday life while forming deeper connections with others and being more present.

Empowering Yourself to Take Control

Developing a positive mindset through affirmations and visualizations can be a powerful tool to empower yourself and take control of your anxious thoughts. But these approaches are only useful in healing the underlying root cause of your anxiety.

Practising mindfulness meditation techniques is another effective way to reduce anxiety symptoms, but is only really powerful once you've cleared the root cause.

Mindfulness encourages you to be present in the moment without judgment, which can help quiet racing thoughts and promote relaxation. Regular practice has been shown to decrease symptoms of anxiety over time.

Breaking Free from People Pleasing and Setting Boundaries

Assessing your personal values and priorities is crucial in breaking free from people pleasing and setting boundaries. Once you have a clear understanding of what's important to you, it becomes easier to set boundaries that align with those values. Being assertive helps communicate those boundaries effectively. Here are some ways to build these skills:

  • Start by identifying your core values

  • Practice saying no when necessary

  • Use "I" statements when expressing yourself

  • Don't apologise for asserting yourself

Setting clear boundaries based on personal values can be liberating, but it requires practice and patience. Developing assertiveness skills takes time, but the rewards are worth the effort!

Life After Treatment: A New Sense of Freedom

Life after treatment for anxiety can bring a new sense of freedom and relief, allowing you to enjoy life without being held back by constant worry. Understanding the three key causes of anxiety is crucial in providing effective treatment for general anxiety disorder. You may even be able to reduce medication and stop other approaches that aren't working for you.

For those struggling with social anxiety and overwhelm, natural treatments like mindfulness meditation and exercise have been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms but not solving the root cause. Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can lead to a greater sense of calm and control over your thoughts and emotions once you've healed the core of the problem.

Overall, finding the right treatment approach that works for you is essential to achieving long-term success in managing your anxiety. By taking proactive steps towards improving mental health, it is possible to experience a renewed sense of optimism and enjoyment in everyday life.

To book your free consultation and start your journey of overcoming anxiety now click below. I look forward to supporting you on your journey. 

Gary Albert

Gary Albert is ‘The Music Alchemist’.

He creates live, spontaneous, mostly improvised performances that bewitch audiences and leaves them spellbound.

The mesmerising melodies, hypnotic harmonies and enthralling performance style of Music Alchemy captivates the listener and whisks them away on magical journeys of deep emotion and contemplative feeling.

As a multi-instrumentalist, Gary hops, skips and jumps from fluttering flutes, pulsing pianos and velvet vocals to electronics elements such as live looping and otherworldly FX. Together, they work exquisitely to create compelling and riveting live music experiences.

Meandering through classical, jazz, minimalism and electronic styles, Gary never fails to engage and engross through his enchanting and spectacular performances whether they’re recorded, streamed online or live and in person at concerts, retreats and festivals.

This is music that truly transports and transforms.

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