7 Tips for Overcoming Stage Fright

Do you experience a racing heart, sweaty palms, shortness of breath when performing?

Do you experience racing thoughts, feel not good enough, feel the fear of rejection?

Do you constantly leave auditions, performances and public performances frustrated because you know you didn’t show your best when and where it mattered.

These are common symptoms of stage fright, a form of performance anxiety. Whether you're speaking, acting, singing or playing an instrument, these feelings are part of the body's fight-or-flight response triggered in stressful situations.

Your talent deserves to shine, and performance anxiety shouldn't stand in your way. That’s why I’ve compiled seven effective tips to help you manage stage fright and give your best on stage or screen.

Whether it's an audition or any public appearance, these techniques will guide you in overcoming nervousness and performing with confidence.

What are the Causes of Stage Fright?

Before we dive into the techniques for overcoming stage fright, it's important to understand what triggers it. Stage fright and performance anxiety can arise from a variety of psychological and physiological factors.

Psychological Causes

Your mind can amplify small worries into full-blown performance anxiety. The fear of failure, making mistakes, or being judged by others are common triggers. Social phobia or social anxiety disorder can also contribute to stage fright, as individuals with these conditions are more prone to anxious feelings in performance situations.

Physiological Causes

On a physiological level, your body responds to stress with symptoms like an increased heart rate, trembling, shaking or shortness of breath. You can also forget lines, lyrics and dance moves. This is your body's way of protecting you from perceived threats, even if those threats are simply performing in front of an audience. These physical symptoms are part of the body’s natural reaction to anxiety, preparing you for a "fight or flight" response.

Techniques for Overcoming Stage Fright

The key to overcoming stage fright is accepting that it’s a common experience—even stars like Jennifer Lawrence and Adele have dealt with it as I talk about in my article ‘7 Celebs Who Used Hypnotherapy (And What For!) But with the right tools, you can manage your performance anxiety and shine. Here are some proven strategies - but remember these are tips to quickly help you manage your performance anxiety and stage fright. They are not a permanent cure or fix for it. I recommned using hypnotherapy for a truly deep and powerful approach to overcoming stage fright.

1. Prepare for Your Performance

Preparation is one of the most powerful ways to combat stage fright. Know your material inside and out—whether it’s lines, choreography, or music. When you’re well-rehearsed, you reduce the fear of making mistakes and feel more in control, which decreases feelings of anxiety. Hypnotherapy can actually help you with memory, retention and even faster learning, saving you time and stress.

2. Practice Deep Breathing and Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing and specific breathing exercises, such as box breathing, are effective relaxation techniques. They help calm the nervous system by reducing the heart rate and restoring balance. Practice slow, steady breaths before, during and after your performance to stay grounded and present.

3. Visualise a Successful Performance

Positive visualisation is a powerful tool to overcome presentation anxiety. Before stepping on stage, close your eyes and imagine yourself performing confidently, delivering your performance flawlessly and receiving applause with smiling faces This practice builds confidence and reduces anxious feelings.

4. Acknowledge Your Nervousness

It’s normal to feel nervous before a performance. Instead of fighting your nerves, acknowledge them. By confronting your symptoms of stage fright, such as a racing heart or shaky legs, you can prevent these feelings from spiralling out of control. Accept your nervousness as part of the process and move forward.

5. Develop a Pre-Performance Routine

Creating a pre-performance routine can help manage pre-show anxiety. Include activities like light stretching, listening to calming music, or running through your lines one last time. Establishing a routine provides a sense of control and lowers feelings of anxiety.

6. Practice Positive Self-Talk

What you say to yourself before going on stage matters. Positive self-talk can replace fear with self-assurance. Try saying affirmations like, "I am ready," "I am confident," and "I am doing my best." This practice is an effective way to boost self-esteem and overcome fear of judgment.

7. Stay Present and Focused

One of the best ways to combat performance anxiety is to focus on the present moment. Avoid getting lost in your head or worrying about the outcome. Concentrate on your performance, your material, and connecting with your audience. Staying present helps block out anxious thoughts and ensures a better performance.

For more in depth info on what causes stage fright and performance anxiety you can read ‘How To Deal With Stage Fright’ and ‘How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome’ which could be one of the root causes.

Additional Techniques for Overcoming Stage Fright

Even after trying the tips above, many performers still struggle with stage fright and performance anxiety. So many of the clients that have booked a free consultation with me over the years tried incorporating other relaxation techniques or tried things like Cognitive-Behavioural therapy to address deeper anxiety issues. However most of the performers that tried other therapies found them effective for understanding why they struggle but not really for creating the deep powerful change they were looking for. Working with a professional hypnotherapist can help you manage extreme performance anxiety and develop long-term strategies.

Exposure Therapy

Gradual exposure to challenging situations like smaller public performances can help reduce social phobia, performance anxiety and stage-related fears. Behavioural therapy, including exposure therapy, is often recommended for those dealing with severe performance anxiety but can also be re-traumatising if not done under the guidance of an experienced professional.

Talk to a Professional

Sometimes, professional guidance is the last port of call. Performers come to me having tried everything from medication to meditation, and even all of the tips and strategies in this article. The thing is, many of these tips can help you experience a quick relief from the symptoms of anxiety, but won’t heal the deeper root cause. A hypnotherapist can help you navigate your anxiety and offer a personalised program of healing for overcoming stage fright. Don’t hesitate to seek help if stage fright is affecting your daily life or career. You can overcome it, move on and have the career you deserve while feeling fabulous about yourself!


Overcoming stage fright is a journey, but with the right approach and help, you can manage your performance anxiety and let your talent shine in auditions, on stage, on film set and in the studio. By preparing thoroughly and using the tips in this article, you can transform your nervous energy into confidence on stage. I myself overcame panic attacks and stage fright and got my career back on track. You can read my story for inspiration.

When these strategies don’t work for you and you’re looking to further develop your skills to overcome stage fright download my free guided hypnotic meditation to activate more of you creative potential. I offer support and help not only in the art of performance but also in managing the anxieties that come with it. Reach out and book a free call now…

Gary Albert

Gary Albert is ‘The Music Alchemist’.

He creates live, spontaneous, mostly improvised performances that bewitch audiences and leaves them spellbound.

The mesmerising melodies, hypnotic harmonies and enthralling performance style of Music Alchemy captivates the listener and whisks them away on magical journeys of deep emotion and contemplative feeling.

As a multi-instrumentalist, Gary hops, skips and jumps from fluttering flutes, pulsing pianos and velvet vocals to electronics elements such as live looping and otherworldly FX. Together, they work exquisitely to create compelling and riveting live music experiences.

Meandering through classical, jazz, minimalism and electronic styles, Gary never fails to engage and engross through his enchanting and spectacular performances whether they’re recorded, streamed online or live and in person at concerts, retreats and festivals.

This is music that truly transports and transforms.


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